Title: | PEcAn Functions Used for Managing Climate Driver Data |
Description: | The Predictive Ecosystem Carbon Analyzer (PEcAn) is a scientific workflow management tool that is designed to simplify the management of model parameterization, execution, and analysis. The PECAn.data.atmosphere package converts climate driver data into a standard format for models integrated into PEcAn. As a standalone package, it provides an interface to access diverse climate data sets. |
Authors: | Mike Dietze [aut], David LeBauer [aut, cre], Carl Davidson [aut], Rob Kooper [aut], Deepak Jaiswal [aut], University of Illinois, NCSA [cph] |
Maintainer: | David LeBauer <[email protected]> |
License: | BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE |
Version: | |
Built: | 2025-01-27 18:43:11 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/PecanProject/pecan |
estimate air density from pressure, temperature, and humidity
AirDens(pres, T, rv)
AirDens(pres, T, rv)
pres |
air pressure (pascals) |
T |
air temperature (Kelvin) |
rv |
humidity |
Mike Dietze
This script aligns meteorology datasets in at temporal resolution for debiasing & temporal downscaling. Note: The output here is stored in memory! Note: can probably at borrow from or adapt align_data.R in Benchmarking module, but it's too much of a black box at the moment.
align.met( train.path, source.path, yrs.train = NULL, yrs.source = NULL, n.ens = NULL, pair.mems = FALSE, mems.train = NULL, seed = Sys.Date(), print.progress = FALSE )
align.met( train.path, source.path, yrs.train = NULL, yrs.source = NULL, n.ens = NULL, pair.mems = FALSE, mems.train = NULL, seed = Sys.Date(), print.progress = FALSE )
train.path |
- path to the dataset to be used to downscale the data |
source.path |
- data to be bias-corrected aligned with training data (from align.met) |
yrs.train |
- (optional) specify a specific years to be loaded for the training data; prevents needing to load the entire dataset. If NULL, all available years will be loaded. If not null, should be a vector of numbers (so you can skip problematic years) |
yrs.source |
- (optional) specify a specific years to be loaded for the source data; prevents needing to load the entire dataset. If NULL, all available years will be loaded. If not null, should be a vector of numbers (so you can skip problematic years) |
n.ens |
- number of ensemble members to generate and save |
pair.mems |
- logical stating whether ensemble members should be paired in the case where ensembles are being read in in both the training and source data |
mems.train |
- (optional) string of ensemble identifiers that ensure the training data is read in a specific order to ensure consistent time series & proper error propagation. If null, members of the training data ensemble will be randomly selected and ordered. Specifying the ensemble members IDs (e.g. CCSM_001, CCSM_002) will ensure ensemble members are properly identified and combined. |
seed |
- specify seed so that random draws can be reproduced |
print.progress |
- if TRUE, prints progress bar |
Align meteorology datasets for debiasing
1. Assumes that both the training and source data are in *at least* daily resolution and each dataset is in a consistent temporal resolution being read from a single file (CF/Pecan format). For example, CMIP5 historical/p1000 runs where radiation drivers are in monthly resolution and temperature is in daily will need to be reconciled using one of the "met2CF" or "download" or "extract" functions 2. Default file structure: Ensembles members for a given site or set of simes are housed in a common folder with the site ID. Right now everything is based off of Christy's PalEON ensemble ID scheme where the site ID is a character string (e.g. HARVARD) followed the SOURCE data family (i.e. GCM) as a string and then the ensemble member ID as a number (e.g. 001). For example, the file path for a single daily ensemble member for PalEON is: "~/Desktop/Research/met_ensembles/data/met_ensembles/HARVARD/day/ensembles/bcc-csm1-1_004" with each year in a separate netcdf file inside of it. "bcc-csm1-1_004" is an example of an ensemnle member ID that might be used if you are specifying mems.train.
2-layered list (stored in memory) containing the training and source data that are now matched in temporal resolution have the specified number of ensemble members - dat.train (training dataset) and dat.source (source data to be downscaled or bias-corrected) are both lists that contain separate data frames for time indices and all available met variables with ensemble members in columns
Christy Rollinson
Other debias - Debias & Align Meteorology Datasets into continuous time series:
This uses sprintf to construct the URL with the version number as the first argument.
build_cf_variables_table_url( version, url_format_string = paste0("http://cfconventions.org/", "Data/cf-standard-names/%d/src/", "src-cf-standard-name-table.xml") )
build_cf_variables_table_url( version, url_format_string = paste0("http://cfconventions.org/", "Data/cf-standard-names/%d/src/", "src-cf-standard-name-table.xml") )
version |
CF variables table version number (integer/numeric) |
url_format_string |
A format string passed to sprintf. This
should contain the entire target URL with the version number
replaced by |
Complete URL, as a string
Alexey Shiklomanov
Based on weach family of functions but 5x faster than weachNEW, and requiring metric units (temperature in Kelvins on input and celsius on output, windspeed in kph, precip in mm, relative humidity as fraction). Derived from the weachDT function in the BioCro package.
cfmet.downscale.daily(dailymet, output.dt = 1, lat)
cfmet.downscale.daily(dailymet, output.dt = 1, lat)
dailymet |
data frame with climate variables |
output.dt |
output timestep |
lat |
latitude (for calculating solar radiation) |
weather file with subdaily timesteps
David LeBauer
Uses simple spline to interpolate variables with diurnal variability, otherwise uses averaging or repeating for variables with no clear diurnal pattern. For all variables except temperature, negative values are set to zero.
cfmet.downscale.subdaily(subdailymet, output.dt = 1)
cfmet.downscale.subdaily(subdailymet, output.dt = 1)
subdailymet |
data frame with climate variables queried from |
output.dt |
output timestep. default is one hour |
weather file with subdaily met variables rescaled to output time step
David LeBauer
Temporal downscaling of daily or subdaily CF met data
cfmet.downscale.time(cfmet, output.dt = 1, lat = lat, ...)
cfmet.downscale.time(cfmet, output.dt = 1, lat = lat, ...)
cfmet |
data frame with CF variables generated by |
output.dt |
time step (hours) for output |
lat |
latitude (for calculating solar radiation) |
... |
ignored |
downscaled result
David LeBauer
Check a meteorology data file for compliance with the PEcAn standard
check_met_input_file( metfile, variable_table = pecan_standard_met_table, required_vars = variable_table %>% dplyr::filter(.data$is_required) %>% dplyr::pull("cf_standard_name"), warn_unknown = TRUE )
check_met_input_file( metfile, variable_table = pecan_standard_met_table, required_vars = variable_table %>% dplyr::filter(.data$is_required) %>% dplyr::pull("cf_standard_name"), warn_unknown = TRUE )
metfile |
Path of met file to check, as a scalar character. |
variable_table |
'data.frame' linking standard names to their units. Must contain columns "cf_standard_name" and "units". Default is [pecan_standard_met_table]. |
required_vars |
Character vector of required variables. Defaults to variables marked as required in 'variable_table'. |
warn_unknown |
Logical. If 'TRUE' (default), throw a warning for variables not in 'variable_table'. Otherwise, ignore unknown variables. |
'data.frame' summarizing the results of the tests.
Alexey Shiklomanov
Check that the unit of a variable in a NetCDF file is equivalent to the expected unit.
check_unit(variable, nc, variable_table, warn_unknown = TRUE)
check_unit(variable, nc, variable_table, warn_unknown = TRUE)
variable |
Name of target variable, as a length 1 character |
nc |
NetCDF object containing target variable |
variable_table |
'data.frame' linking standard names to their units. Must contain columns "cf_standard_name" and "units". Default is [pecan_standard_met_table]. |
warn_unknown |
Logical. If 'TRUE' (default), throw a warning for variables not in 'variable_table'. Otherwise, ignore unknown variables. |
'TRUE' if unit is correct, or 'try-error' object if there is a mismatch.
Alexey Shiklomanov
Given latitude and longitude coordinates, find NARR x and y indices
closest_xy(slat, slon, infolder, infile)
closest_xy(slat, slon, infolder, infile)
slat , slon
site location, in decimal degrees |
infolder |
path to folder containing infile |
infile |
pattern to match for filename inside infile. Only the first file matching this pattern AND ending with '.nc' will be used |
Betsy Cowdery, Ankur Desai
Create 'ncvar' object from variable name
col2ncvar(variable, dims)
col2ncvar(variable, dims)
variable |
CF variable name |
dims |
List of NetCDF dimension objects (passed to 'ncdf4::ncvar_def(..., dim)') |
'ncvar' object (from 'ncvar_def')
Calculates the cosine of the solar zenith angle based on the given parameters. This angle is crucial in determining the amount of solar radiation reaching a point on Earth.
cos_solar_zenith_angle(doy, lat, lon, dt, hr)
cos_solar_zenith_angle(doy, lat, lon, dt, hr)
doy |
Day of year. Integer representing the day of the year (1-365). |
lat |
Latitude in degrees. Positive for the Northern Hemisphere and negative for the Southern Hemisphere. |
lon |
Longitude in degrees. Positive for East and negative for West. |
dt |
Time interval in seconds. Represents the duration over which the measurement is averaged or integrated. |
hr |
Hour of the day (0-23). Specifies the specific hour for which the calculation is made. |
For explanations of formulae, see https://web.archive.org/web/20180307133425/http://www.itacanet.org/the-sun-as-a-source-of-energy/part-3-calculating-solar-angles/
Numeric value representing the cosine of the solar zenith angle.
Alexey Shiklomanov
"Understanding Solar Position and Solar Radiation" - RAMMB: [Link](https://rammb.cira.colostate.edu/wmovl/vrl/tutorials/euromet/courses/english/nwp/n5720/n5720005.htm)
cos_solar_zenith_angle(doy = 150, lat = 45, lon = -93, dt = 3600, hr = 12)
cos_solar_zenith_angle(doy = 150, lat = 45, lon = -93, dt = 3600, hr = 12)
debias.met takes input_met and debiases it based on statistics from a train_met dataset
debias.met( outfolder, input_met, train_met, site_id, de_method = "linear", overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
debias.met( outfolder, input_met, train_met, site_id, de_method = "linear", overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
outfolder |
location where output is stored |
input_met |
- the source_met dataset that will be altered by the training dataset in NC format. |
train_met |
- the observed dataset that will be used to train the modeled dataset in NC format |
site_id |
BETY site id |
de_method |
- select which debias method you would like to use, options are 'normal', 'linear regression' |
overwrite |
logical: replace output file if it already exists? Currently ignored. |
verbose |
logical: should |
... |
other inputs functions print debugging information as they run? |
James Simkins
This script debiases one dataset (e.g. GCM, re-analysis product) given another higher resolution product or empirical observations. It assumes input are in annual CF standard files that are generate from the pecan extract or download funcitons.
debias.met.regression( train.data, source.data, n.ens, vars.debias = NULL, CRUNCEP = FALSE, pair.anoms = TRUE, pair.ens = FALSE, uncert.prop = "mean", resids = FALSE, seed = Sys.Date(), outfolder, yrs.save = NULL, ens.name, ens.mems = NULL, force.sanity = TRUE, sanity.tries = 25, sanity.sd = 8, lat.in, lon.in, save.diagnostics = TRUE, path.diagnostics = NULL, parallel = FALSE, n.cores = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE )
debias.met.regression( train.data, source.data, n.ens, vars.debias = NULL, CRUNCEP = FALSE, pair.anoms = TRUE, pair.ens = FALSE, uncert.prop = "mean", resids = FALSE, seed = Sys.Date(), outfolder, yrs.save = NULL, ens.name, ens.mems = NULL, force.sanity = TRUE, sanity.tries = 25, sanity.sd = 8, lat.in, lon.in, save.diagnostics = TRUE, path.diagnostics = NULL, parallel = FALSE, n.cores = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE )
train.data |
- training data coming out of align.met |
source.data |
- data to be bias-corrected aligned with training data (from align.met) |
n.ens |
- number of ensemble members to generate and save for EACH source ensemble member |
vars.debias |
- which met variables should be debiased? if NULL, all variables in train.data |
- flag for if the dataset being downscaled is CRUNCEP; if TRUE, special cases triggered for met variables that have been naively gapfilled for certain time periods |
pair.anoms |
- logical stating whether anomalies from the same year should be matched or not |
pair.ens |
- logical stating whether ensembles from train and source data need to be paired together (for uncertainty propogation) |
uncert.prop |
- method for error propogation for child ensemble members 1 ensemble member; options=c(random, mean); randomly strongly encouraged if n.ens>1 |
resids |
- logical stating whether to pass on residual data or not *Not implemented yet |
seed |
- specify seed so that random draws can be reproduced |
outfolder |
- directory where the data should go |
yrs.save |
- what years from the source data should be saved; if NULL all years of the source data will be saved |
ens.name |
- what is the name that should be attached to the debiased ensemble |
ens.mems |
- what labels/numbers to attach to the ensemble members so we can gradually build bigger ensembles without having to do do giant runs at once; if NULL will be numbered 1:n.ens |
force.sanity |
- (logical) do we force the data to meet sanity checks? |
sanity.tries |
- how many time should we try to predict a reasonable value before giving up? We don't want to end up in an infinite loop |
sanity.sd |
- how many standard deviations from the mean should be used to determine sane outliers (default 8) |
lat.in |
- latitude of site |
lon.in |
- longitude of site |
save.diagnostics |
- logical; save diagnostic plots of output? |
path.diagnostics |
- path to where the diagnostic graphs should be saved |
parallel |
- (experimental) logical stating whether to run temporal_downscale_functions.R in parallel *Not Implemented yet |
n.cores |
- (experimental) how many cores to use in parallelization *Not implemented yet |
overwrite |
- overwrite existing files? Currently ignored |
verbose |
logical: should |
Debias Meteorology using Multiple Linear Regression Statistically debias met datasets and generate ensembles based on the observed uncertainty
Christy Rollinson
Other debias - Debias & Align Meteorology Datasets into continuous time series:
download_NOAA_GEFS_EFI(sitename, outfolder, start_date, site.lat, site.lon)
download_NOAA_GEFS_EFI(sitename, outfolder, start_date, site.lat, site.lon)
sitename |
NEON site name |
outfolder |
filepath to save ensemble member .nc files |
start_date |
start date for met forecast |
site.lat |
site lat |
site.lon |
site lon |
message confirming download complete and location of .nc files
Alexis Helgeson
Download Ameriflux L2 netCDF files
download.Ameriflux( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
download.Ameriflux( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
sitename |
the FLUXNET ID of the site to be downloaded, used as file name prefix. The 'SITE_ID' field in list of Ameriflux sites |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded. Format is YYYY-MM-DD (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded. Format is YYYY-MM-DD (will only use the year part of the date) |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
should the function be very verbose |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Josh Mantooth, Rob Kooper, Ankur Desai
download.AmerifluxLBL. Function uses amf_download_base function from amerifluxr package to download a zip-file of data. The zip-file is extracted to a csv-file that is stored to the given outfolder. Details about amf_download_base function can be found here: https://github.com/chuhousen/amerifluxr/blob/master/R/amf_download_base.R
download.AmerifluxLBL( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, username = "pecan", method, useremail = "@", data_product = "BASE-BADM", data_policy = "CCBY4.0", ... )
download.AmerifluxLBL( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, username = "pecan", method, useremail = "@", data_product = "BASE-BADM", data_policy = "CCBY4.0", ... )
sitename |
the Ameriflux ID of the site to be downloaded, used as file name prefix. The 'SITE_ID' field in list of Ameriflux sites |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded. Format is YYYY-MM-DD (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded. Format is YYYY-MM-DD (will only use the year part of the date) |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
should the function be very verbose |
username |
Ameriflux username |
method |
Optional. download_file() function option. Use this to set custom programs such as ncftp |
useremail |
Used email, should include 'address sign' for code to be functional |
data_product |
AmeriFlux data product |
data_policy |
Two possible licenses (based on the site): 'CCBY4.0' or 'LEGACY' |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Uses Ameriflux LBL JSON API to download met data from Ameriflux towers in CSV format
Ankur Desai, Henri Kajasilta based on download.Ameriflux.R by Josh Mantooth, Rob Kooper, Shawn Serbin
## Not run: result <- download.AmerifluxLBL("US-Akn","~/","2011-01-01","2011-12-31",overwrite=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: result <- download.AmerifluxLBL("US-Akn","~/","2011-01-01","2011-12-31",overwrite=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
Download and convert to CF CRUNCEP single grid point from MSTIMIP server using OPENDAP interface
download.CRUNCEP( outfolder, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, maxErrors = 10, sleep = 2, method = "ncss", ... )
download.CRUNCEP( outfolder, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, maxErrors = 10, sleep = 2, method = "ncss", ... )
outfolder |
Directory where results should be written |
start_date , end_date
Range of years to retrieve. Format is YYYY-MM-DD, but only the year portion is used and the resulting files always contain a full year of data. |
lat.in |
site latitude in decimal degrees |
lon.in |
site longitude in decimal degrees |
overwrite |
logical. Download a fresh version even if a local file with the same name already exists? |
verbose |
logical. Passed on to |
maxErrors |
Maximum times to re-try following an error accessing netCDF data through THREDDS |
sleep |
Wait time between attempts following a THREDDS or other error |
method |
(string) Data access method. 'opendap' (default) attempts to directly access files via OpenDAP. 'ncss' (NetCDF subset) subsets the file on the server, downloads the subsetted file to 'tempfile' and then reads it locally. 'opendap' is faster when it works, but often fails because of server issues. 'ncss' can be much slower, but is more reliable. |
... |
Other arguments, currently ignored |
James Simkins, Mike Dietze, Alexey Shiklomanov
Link to full data documentation.
download.ERA5.old( outfolder, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, product_types = "all", overwrite = FALSE, reticulate_python = NULL, ... )
download.ERA5.old( outfolder, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, product_types = "all", overwrite = FALSE, reticulate_python = NULL, ... )
outfolder |
Directory where results should be written |
start_date , end_date
Range of years to retrieve. Format is
lat.in , lon.in
Site coordinates, decimal degrees (numeric) |
product_types |
Character vector of product types, or |
overwrite |
Logical. If |
reticulate_python |
Path to Python binary for |
... |
Currently unused. Allows soaking up additional arguments to other methods. |
Under the hood, this function uses the Python cdsapi
which can be installed via pip
(pip install --user cdsapi
). The
module is accessed via the reticulate
Using the CDS API requires you to create a free account at
https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu. Once you have done that, you
will need to configure the CDS API on your local machine by
creating a ${HOME}/.cdsapi
file, as described
Character vector of file names containing raw, downloaded data (invisibly)
Alexey Shiklomanov
## Not run: files <- download.ERA5( "ERA5_output", start_date = "2010-01-01", end_date = "2010-02-01", lat.in = 45.5594, lon.in = -84.6738, product_types = "all" ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: files <- download.ERA5( "ERA5_output", start_date = "2010-01-01", end_date = "2010-02-01", lat.in = 45.5594, lon.in = -84.6738, product_types = "all" ) ## End(Not run)
Download Raw FACE data from the internet
download.FACE( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, method, ... )
download.FACE( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, method, ... )
sitename |
sitename |
outfolder |
location where output is stored |
start_date |
desired start date YYYY-MM-DD |
end_date |
desired end date YYYY-MM-DD |
overwrite |
overwrite existing files? Default is FALSE |
method |
Optional. Passed to download_file() function. Use this to set custom programs such as ncftp to use when downloading files from FTP sites |
... |
other inputs |
Betsy Cowdery
Download Fluxnet 2015 CSV files
download.Fluxnet2015( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, username = "pecan", ... )
download.Fluxnet2015( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, username = "pecan", ... )
sitename |
the FLUXNET ID of the site to be downloaded, used as file name prefix. The 'SITE_ID' field in list of Ameriflux sites |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded. Format is YYYY-MM-DD (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded. Format is YYYY-MM-DD (will only use the year part of the date) |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
should the function be very verbose |
username |
login name for Ameriflux |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Ankur Desai, based on download.Ameriflux.R by Josh Mantooth, Rob Kooper
Download Flxunet LaThuile CSV files
download.FluxnetLaThuile( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, username = "pecan", ... )
download.FluxnetLaThuile( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, username = "pecan", ... )
sitename |
the FLUXNET ID of the site to be downloaded, used as file name prefix. The 'SITE_ID' field in list of Fluxnet LaThuile sites |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded. Format is YYYY-MM-DD (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded. Format is YYYY-MM-DD (will only use the year part of the date) |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
should the function be very verbose |
username |
should be the registered Fluxnet username, else defaults to pecan |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Ankur Desai
Download Geostreams data from Clowder API
download.Geostreams( outfolder, sitename, start_date, end_date, url = "https://terraref.ncsa.illinois.edu/clowder/api/geostreams", key = NULL, user = NULL, pass = NULL, ... )
download.Geostreams( outfolder, sitename, start_date, end_date, url = "https://terraref.ncsa.illinois.edu/clowder/api/geostreams", key = NULL, user = NULL, pass = NULL, ... )
outfolder |
directory in which to save json result. Will be created if necessary |
sitename |
character. Must match a Geostreams sensor_name |
start_date , end_date
datetime |
url |
base url for Clowder host |
key , user , pass
authentication info for Clowder host. |
... |
other arguments passed as query parameters |
Depending on the setup of your Clowder host, authentication may be by
username/password, by API key, or skipped entirely. download.Geostreams
looks first in its call arguments for an API key, then a username and password,
then if these are NULL it looks in the user's home directory for a file named
'~/.pecan.clowder.xml', and finally if no keys or passwords are found there it
attempts to connect unauthenticated.
If using '~/.pecan.clowder.xml', it must be a valid PEcAn-formatted XML settings
file and must contain a <clowder>
key that specifies hostname, user, and
password for your Clowder server:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <pecan> <clowder> <hostname>terraref.ncsa.illinois.edu</hostname> <user>yourname</user> <password>superSecretPassw0rd</password> </clowder> </pecan>
Harsh Agrawal, Chris Black
## Not run: download.Geostreams(outfolder = "~/output/dbfiles/Clowder_EF", sitename = "UIUC Energy Farm - CEN", start_date = "2016-01-01", end_date="2016-12-31", key="verysecret") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: download.Geostreams(outfolder = "~/output/dbfiles/Clowder_EF", sitename = "UIUC Energy Farm - CEN", start_date = "2016-01-01", end_date="2016-12-31", key="verysecret") ## End(Not run)
Download GFDL CMIP5 outputs for a single grid point using OPeNDAP and convert to CF
download.GFDL( outfolder, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, model = "CM3", scenario = "rcp45", ensemble_member = "r1i1p1", ... )
download.GFDL( outfolder, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, model = "CM3", scenario = "rcp45", ensemble_member = "r1i1p1", ... )
outfolder |
Directory for storing output |
start_date |
Start date for met (will be converted via [base::as.POSIXlt]) |
end_date |
End date for met (will be converted via [base::as.POSIXlt]) |
lat.in |
Latitude coordinate for met |
lon.in |
Longitude coordinate for met |
overwrite |
Logical: Download a fresh version even if a local file with the same name already exists? |
verbose |
Logical, passed on to |
model |
Which GFDL model to run (options are CM3, ESM2M, ESM2G) |
scenario |
Which scenario to run (options are rcp26, rcp45, rcp60, rcp85) |
ensemble_member |
Which ensemble_member to initialize the run (options are r1i1p1, r3i1p1, r5i1p1) |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
James Simkins, Alexey Shiklomanov, Ankur Desai
Download and convert single grid point GLDAS to CF single grid point from hydro1.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov using OPENDAP interface
download.GLDAS( outfolder, start_date, end_date, site_id, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
download.GLDAS( outfolder, start_date, end_date, site_id, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
outfolder |
location where output is stored |
start_date |
desired start date |
end_date |
desired end date |
site_id |
desired site id |
lat.in |
latitude of site |
lon.in |
longistude of site |
overwrite |
overwrite existing files? Default is FALSE |
verbose |
Default is FALSE, used as input for ncdf4::ncvar_def |
... |
other inputs |
Christy Rollinson
Currently available products: Drought-2018 ecosystem eddy covariance flux product https://www.icos-cp.eu/data-products/YVR0-4898 ICOS Final Fully Quality Controlled Observational Data (Level 2) https://www.icos-cp.eu/data-products/ecosystem-release
download.ICOS( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, product, overwrite = FALSE, ... )
download.ICOS( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, product, overwrite = FALSE, ... )
sitename |
ICOS id of the site. Example - "BE-Bra" |
outfolder |
path to the directory where the output file is stored. If specified directory does not exists, it is created. |
start_date |
start date of the data request in the form YYYY-MM-DD |
end_date |
end date area of the data request in the form YYYY-MM-DD |
product |
ICOS product to be downloaded. Currently supported options: "Drought2018", "ETC" |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten. Default False. |
... |
used when extra arguments are present. |
information about the output file
Ayush Prasad
## Not run: download.ICOS("FI-Sii", "/home/carya/pecan", "2016-01-01", "2018-01-01", product="Drought2018") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: download.ICOS("FI-Sii", "/home/carya/pecan", "2016-01-01", "2018-01-01", product="Drought2018") ## End(Not run)
Download MACA CMIP5 outputs for a single grid point using OPeNDAP and convert to CF
download.MACA( outfolder, start_date, end_date, site_id, lat.in, lon.in, model = "IPSL-CM5A-LR", scenario = "rcp85", ensemble_member = "r1i1p1", overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
download.MACA( outfolder, start_date, end_date, site_id, lat.in, lon.in, model = "IPSL-CM5A-LR", scenario = "rcp85", ensemble_member = "r1i1p1", overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
outfolder |
location where output is stored |
start_date |
, of the format "YEAR-01-01 00:00:00" |
end_date |
, of the format "YEAR-12-31 23:59:59" |
site_id |
BETY site id |
lat.in |
latitude of site |
lon.in |
longitude of site |
model |
, select which MACA model to run (options are BNU-ESM, CNRM-CM5, CSIRO-Mk3-6-0, bcc-csm1-1, bcc-csm1-1-m, CanESM2, GFDL-ESM2M, GFDL-ESM2G, HadGEM2-CC365, HadGEM2-ES365, inmcm4, MIROC5, MIROC-ESM, MIROC-ESM-CHEM, MRI-CGCM3, CCSM4, IPSL-CM5A-LR, IPSL-CM5A-MR, IPSL-CM5B-LR, NorESM1-M) |
scenario |
, select which scenario to run (options are rcp45, rcp85) |
ensemble_member |
, r1i1p1 is the only ensemble member available for this dataset, CCSM4 uses r6i1p1 instead |
overwrite |
overwrite existing files? Default is FALSE |
verbose |
Default is FALSE, used as input in ncdf4::ncvar_def |
... |
other inputs |
James Simkins
Download MERRA data
download.MERRA( outfolder, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
download.MERRA( outfolder, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
outfolder |
Directory where results should be written |
start_date , end_date
Range of years to retrieve. Format is YYYY-MM-DD, but only the year portion is used and the resulting files always contain a full year of data. |
lat.in |
site latitude in decimal degrees |
lon.in |
site longitude in decimal degrees |
overwrite |
logical. Download a fresh version even if a local file with the same name already exists? |
verbose |
logical. Passed on to |
... |
Not used – silently soak up extra arguments from 'convert_input', etc. |
'data.frame' of meteorology data metadata
Alexey Shiklomanov
Download and conver to CF NARR single grid point from MSTIMIP server using OPENDAP interface
download.MsTMIP_NARR( outfolder, start_date, end_date, site_id, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
download.MsTMIP_NARR( outfolder, start_date, end_date, site_id, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
outfolder |
location where output is stored |
start_date |
end_date |
site_id |
BETY site id |
lat.in |
latitude of site |
lon.in |
longitude of site |
overwrite |
overwrite existing files? Default is FALSE |
verbose |
Default is FALSE, used in ncdf4::ncvar_def |
... |
Other inputs |
James Simkins
Download NARR files
download.NARR( outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, method, ... )
download.NARR( outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, method, ... )
outfolder |
location where output is stored |
start_date |
desired start date YYYY-MM-DD |
end_date |
desired end date YYYY-MM-DD |
overwrite |
Overwrite existing files? Default=FALSE |
verbose |
Turn on verbose output? Default=FALSE |
method |
Method of file retrieval. Can set this using the options(download.ftp.method=[method]) in your Rprofile. |
... |
other inputs example options(download.ftp.method="ncftpget") |
Betsy Cowdery, Shawn Serbin
## Not run: download.NARR("~/",'2000/01/01','2000/01/02', overwrite = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: download.NARR("~/",'2000/01/01','2000/01/02', overwrite = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
Download NARR time series for a single site
download.NARR_site( outfolder, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, progress = TRUE, parallel = TRUE, ncores = if (parallel) parallel::detectCores() else NULL, ... )
download.NARR_site( outfolder, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, progress = TRUE, parallel = TRUE, ncores = if (parallel) parallel::detectCores() else NULL, ... )
outfolder |
Target directory for storing output |
start_date |
Start date for met data |
end_date |
End date for met data |
lat.in |
Site latitude coordinate |
lon.in |
Site longitude coordinate |
overwrite |
Overwrite existing files? Default=FALSE |
verbose |
Turn on verbose output? Default=FALSE |
progress |
Whether or not to show a progress bar. Requires the 'progress' package to be installed. |
parallel |
Download in parallel? Default = TRUE |
ncores |
Number of cores for parallel download. Default is 'parallel::detectCores()' |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Alexey Shiklomanov
## Not run: download.NARR_site(tempdir(), "2001-01-01", "2001-01-12", 43.372, -89.907) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: download.NARR_site(tempdir(), "2001-01-01", "2001-01-12", 43.372, -89.907) ## End(Not run)
download.NEONmet( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
download.NEONmet( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
sitename |
the NEON ID of the site to be downloaded, used as file name prefix. The 4-letter SITE code in list of NEON sites |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded. Format is YYYY-MM-DD (will only use the year and month of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded. Format is YYYY-MM-DD (will only use the year and month part of the date) |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
makes the function output more text |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Uses NEON v0 API to download met data from NEON towers and convert to CF NetCDF
## Not run: result <- download.NEONmet('HARV','~/','2017-01-01','2017-01-31',overwrite=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: result <- download.NEONmet('HARV','~/','2017-01-01','2017-01-31',overwrite=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
Download and convert single grid point NLDAS to CF single grid point from hydro1.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov using OPENDAP interface
download.NLDAS( outfolder, start_date, end_date, site_id, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
download.NLDAS( outfolder, start_date, end_date, site_id, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
outfolder |
location of output |
start_date |
desired start date YYYY-MM-DD |
end_date |
desired end date YYYY-MM-DD |
site_id |
site id (BETY) |
lat.in |
latitude of site |
lon.in |
longitude of site |
overwrite |
overwrite existing files? Default is FALSE |
verbose |
Turn on verbose output? Default=FALSE |
... |
Other inputs |
Christy Rollinson (with help from Ankur Desai)
Download NOAA GEFS Weather Data
download.NOAA_GEFS( site_id, sitename = NULL, username = "pecan", lat.in, lon.in, outfolder, start_date = Sys.Date(), end_date = start_date + lubridate::days(16), downscale = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE, ... )
download.NOAA_GEFS( site_id, sitename = NULL, username = "pecan", lat.in, lon.in, outfolder, start_date = Sys.Date(), end_date = start_date + lubridate::days(16), downscale = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE, ... )
site_id |
The unique ID given to each site. This is used as part of the file name. |
sitename |
Site name |
username |
username from pecan workflow |
lat.in |
site latitude in decimal degrees |
lon.in |
site longitude in decimal degrees |
outfolder |
Directory where results should be written |
start_date |
Range of dates/times to be downloaded (default assumed to be time that function is run) |
end_date |
end date for range of dates to be downloaded (default 16 days from start_date) |
downscale |
logical, assumed True. Indicated whether data should be downscaled to hourly |
overwrite |
logical. Download a fresh version even if a local file with the same name already exists? |
... |
Additional optional parameters |
A list of data frames is returned containing information about the data file that can be used to locate it later. Each data frame contains information about one file.
Information on NOAA weather units can be found below. Note that the temperature is measured in degrees C, but is converted at the station and downloaded in Kelvin.
This function downloads NOAA GEFS weather data. GEFS is an ensemble of 21 different weather forecast models. A 16 day forecast is avaliable every 6 hours. Each forecast includes information on a total of 8 variables. These are transformed from the NOAA standard to the internal PEcAn standard.
NOAA GEFS weather data is avaliable on a rolling 12 day basis; dates provided in "start_date" must be within this range. The end date can be any point after that, but if the end date is beyond 16 days, only 16 days worth of forecast are recorded. Times are rounded down to the previous 6 hour forecast. NOAA GEFS weather data isn't always posted immediately, and to compensate, this function adjusts requests made in the last two hours back two hours (approximately the amount of time it takes to post the data) to make sure the most current forecast is used.
Data is saved in the netcdf format to the specified directory. File names reflect the precision of the data to the given range of days. NOAA.GEFS.willow creek.3.2018-06-08T06:00.2018-06-24T06:00.nc specifies the forecast, using ensemble number 3 at willow creek on June 6th, 2018 at 6:00 a.m. to June 24th, 2018 at 6:00 a.m.
Quinn Thomas, modified by K Zarada
## Not run: download.NOAA_GEFS(outfolder="~/Working/results", lat.in= 45.805925, lon.in = -90.07961, site_id = 676) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: download.NOAA_GEFS(outfolder="~/Working/results", lat.in= 45.805925, lon.in = -90.07961, site_id = 676) ## End(Not run)
Download PalEON files
download.PalEON( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, ... )
download.PalEON( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, ... )
sitename |
sitename |
outfolder |
desired output location |
start_date |
desired start date YYYY-MM-DD |
end_date |
desired end date YYYY-MM-DD |
overwrite |
overwrite existing files? Default is FALSE |
... |
Other inputs |
Betsy Cowdery
Download PalEON met ensemble files
download.PalEON_ENS( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, ... )
download.PalEON_ENS( sitename, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, ... )
sitename |
sitename |
outfolder |
desired output folder |
start_date |
desired start date YYYY-MM-DD |
end_date |
desired end date YYYY-MM-DD |
overwrite |
overwrite existing files? Default is FALSE |
... |
Other inputs |
Betsy Cowdery, Mike Dietze
.download.raw.met.module( dir, met, register, machine, start_date, end_date, str_ns, con, input_met, site.id, lat.in, lon.in, host, site, username, overwrite = FALSE, dbparms, Ens.Flag = FALSE )
.download.raw.met.module( dir, met, register, machine, start_date, end_date, str_ns, con, input_met, site.id, lat.in, lon.in, host, site, username, overwrite = FALSE, dbparms, Ens.Flag = FALSE )
dir |
directory to write outputs to |
met |
source included in input_met |
register |
register.xml, provided by met.process |
machine |
machine associated with hostname, provided by met.process |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
str_ns |
substitute for site_id if not provided, provided by met.process |
con |
database connection based on dbparms in met.process |
input_met |
Which data source to process |
site.id |
site id |
lat.in |
site latitude, provided by met.process |
lon.in |
site longitude, provided by met.process |
host |
host info from settings file |
site |
site info from settings file |
username |
database username |
overwrite |
whether to force download.raw.met.module to proceed |
dbparms |
database settings from settings file |
Ens.Flag |
default set to FALSE |
A list of data frames is returned containing information about the data file that can be used to locate it later. Each data frame contains information about one file.
download.US_WCr(start_date, end_date, timestep = 1)
download.US_WCr(start_date, end_date, timestep = 1)
start_date |
Start date/time data should be downloaded for |
end_date |
End date/time data should be downloaded for |
timestep |
How often to take data points from the file. Must be a multiple of 0.5 |
Obtains data from Ankur Desai's Willow Creek flux tower, and selects certain variables (NEE and LE) to return Data is returned at the given timestep in the given range.
This data includes information on a number of flux variables.
The timestep parameter is measured in hours, but is then converted to half hours because the data's timestep is every half hour.
Luke Dramko
download.US_Wlef(start_date, end_date, timestep = 1)
download.US_Wlef(start_date, end_date, timestep = 1)
start_date |
Start date/time data should be downloaded for |
end_date |
End date/time data should be downloaded for |
timestep |
How often to take data points from the file. Must be integer |
Obtains data from Ankur Desai's WLEF/ Parks Fall flux tower, and selects certain variables (NEE and LE) to return Data is returned at the given timestep in the given range.
This data includes information on a number of flux variables.
Luke Dramko and K Zarada
Internal helper to downscale a single row from a daily file
downscale_one_cfmet_day(df, tseq, lat)
downscale_one_cfmet_day(df, tseq, lat)
df |
one row from dailymet |
tseq |
vector of hours at which to estimate |
lat |
latitude |
df with one row for each hour in 'tseq'
Downscale repeat to half hourly
downscale_repeat_6hr_to_half_hrly(df, varName, hr = 0.5)
downscale_repeat_6hr_to_half_hrly(df, varName, hr = 0.5)
df |
dataframe of data to be downscaled (Longwave) |
varName |
variable names to be downscaled |
hr |
hour to downscale to- default is 0.5 |
A dataframe of downscaled data
Laura Puckett
Downscale repeat to hourly
downscale_repeat_6hr_to_hrly(df, varName, hr = 1)
downscale_repeat_6hr_to_hrly(df, varName, hr = 1)
df |
dataframe of data to be downscaled (Longwave) |
varName |
variable names to be downscaled |
hr |
hour to downscale to- default is 1 |
A dataframe of downscaled data
Laura Puckett
Downscale shortwave to half hourly
downscale_ShortWave_to_half_hrly(df, lat, lon, hr = 0.5)
downscale_ShortWave_to_half_hrly(df, lat, lon, hr = 0.5)
df |
data frame of variables |
lat |
lat of site |
lon |
long of site |
hr |
hour to downscale to- default is 1 |
A dataframe of downscaled state variables
Laura Puckett
Downscale shortwave to hourly
downscale_ShortWave_to_hrly(df, lat, lon, hr = 1)
downscale_ShortWave_to_hrly(df, lat, lon, hr = 1)
df |
data frame of variables |
lat |
lat of site |
lon |
long of site |
hr |
hour to downscale to- default is 1 |
A dataframe of downscaled state variables
Laura Puckett
Calculate potential shortwave radiation
downscale_solar_geom(doy, lon, lat)
downscale_solar_geom(doy, lon, lat)
doy |
day of year in decimal |
lon |
longitude |
lat |
latitude |
vector of potential shortwave radiation for each doy
Quinn Thomas
Calculate potential shortwave radiation
downscale_solar_geom_halfhour(doy, lon, lat)
downscale_solar_geom_halfhour(doy, lon, lat)
doy |
day of year in decimal |
lon |
longitude |
lat |
latitude |
vector of potential shortwave radiation for each doy
Quinn Thomas
Downscale spline to half hourly
downscale_spline_to_half_hrly(df, VarNames, hr = 0.5)
downscale_spline_to_half_hrly(df, VarNames, hr = 0.5)
df |
dataframe of data to be downscales |
VarNames |
variable names to be downscaled |
hr |
hour to downscale to- default is 0.5 |
A dataframe of half hourly downscaled state variables
Laura Puckett
Downscale spline to hourly
downscale_spline_to_hrly(df, VarNames, hr = 1)
downscale_spline_to_hrly(df, VarNames, hr = 1)
df |
dataframe of data to be downscales |
VarNames |
variable names to be downscaled |
hr |
hour to downscale to- default is 1 |
A dataframe of downscaled state variables
Laura Puckett
For description of calculations, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equation_of_time#Calculating_the_equation_of_time
doy |
Day of year |
'numeric(1)' length of the solar day, in hours.
Alexey Shiklomanov
Met Processes for ERA5 data
ERA5_met_process(settings, in.path, out.path, write.db = FALSE, write = TRUE)
ERA5_met_process(settings, in.path, out.path, write.db = FALSE, write = TRUE)
settings |
a multi-settings object |
in.path |
met input path |
out.path |
output path |
write.db |
if write into Bety database |
write |
if write the settings into pecan.xml file in the outdir of settings. |
if write.db is True then return input IDs with physical paths; if write.db is False then return just physical paths of extracted ERA5 clim files.
Dongchen Zhang
estimated exner function
pres |
air pressure (Bar) |
Mike Dietze
This function extracts CMIP5 data from grids that have been downloaded and stored locally. Files are saved as a netCDF file in CF conventions at *DAILY* resolution. Note: At this point in time, variables that are only available at a native monthly resolution will be repeated to give a pseudo-daily record (and can get dealt with in the downscaling workflow). These files are ready to be used in the general PEcAn workflow or fed into the downscaling workflow.
extract.local.CMIP5( outfolder, in.path, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, model, scenario, ensemble_member = "r1i1p1", date.origin = NULL, adjust.pr = 1, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
extract.local.CMIP5( outfolder, in.path, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, model, scenario, ensemble_member = "r1i1p1", date.origin = NULL, adjust.pr = 1, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
outfolder |
- directory where output files will be stored |
in.path |
- path to the raw full grids |
start_date |
- first day for which you want to extract met (yyyy-mm-dd) |
end_date |
- last day for which you want to extract met (yyyy-mm-dd) |
lat.in |
site latitude in decimal degrees |
lon.in |
site longitude in decimal degrees |
model |
which GCM to extract data from |
scenario |
which experiment to pull (p1000, historical, ...) |
ensemble_member |
which CMIP5 experiment ensemble member |
date.origin |
(optional) specify the date of origin for timestamps in the files being read. If NULL defaults to 1850 for historical simulations (except MPI-ESM-P) and 850 for p1000 simulations (plus MPI-ESM-P historical). Format: YYYY-MM-DD |
adjust.pr |
- adjustment factor fore precipitation when the extracted values seem off |
overwrite |
logical. Download a fresh version even if a local file with the same name already exists? |
verbose |
logical. to control printing of debug info |
... |
Other arguments, currently ignored |
Christy Rollinson
This function extracts NLDAS data from grids that have been downloaded and stored locally. Once upon a time, you could query these files directly from the internet, but now they're behind a tricky authentication wall. Files are saved as a netCDF file in CF conventions. These files are ready to be used in the general PEcAn workflow or fed into the downscaling workflow.
extract.local.NLDAS( outfolder, in.path, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
extract.local.NLDAS( outfolder, in.path, start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
outfolder |
- directory where output files will be stored |
in.path |
- path to the raw full grids |
start_date |
- first day for which you want to extract met (yyyy-mm-dd) |
end_date |
- last day for which you want to extract met (yyyy-mm-dd) |
lat.in |
site latitude in decimal degrees |
lon.in |
site longitude in decimal degrees |
overwrite |
logical. Download a fresh version even if a local file with the same name already exists? |
verbose |
logical. Passed on to |
... |
Other arguments, currently ignored |
Christy Rollinson
Given latitude and longitude coordinates, extract site data from NARR file
extract.nc( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, slat, slon, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
extract.nc( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, slat, slon, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
location on disk where inputs are stored |
in.prefix |
prefix of input files |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be permuted (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be permuted (will only use the year part of the date) |
slat |
the latitude of the site |
slon |
the longitude of the site |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
should ouput of function be extra verbose |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Betsy Cowdery
extract.nc.ERA5( slat, slon, in.path, start_date, end_date, outfolder, in.prefix, newsite, vars = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
extract.nc.ERA5( slat, slon, in.path, start_date, end_date, outfolder, in.prefix, newsite, vars = NULL, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
slat |
latitude |
slon |
longitude |
in.path |
path to the directory containing the file to be inserted |
start_date |
start date |
end_date |
end date |
outfolder |
Path to directory where nc files need to be saved. |
in.prefix |
initial portion of the filename that does not vary by date. Does not include directory; specify that as part of in.path. |
newsite |
site name. |
vars |
variables to be extracted. If NULL all the variables will be returned. |
overwrite |
Logical if files needs to be overwritten. |
verbose |
Decide if we want to stop printing info. |
... |
other inputs. |
For the list of variables check out the documentation at https://confluence.ecmwf.int/display/CKB/ERA5+data+documentation#ERA5datadocumentation-Spatialgrid
a list of xts objects with all the variables for the requested years
## Not run: point.data <- ERA5_extract(sslat=40, slon=-120, years=c(1990:1995), vars=NULL) purrr::map(~xts::apply.daily(.x, mean)) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: point.data <- ERA5_extract(sslat=40, slon=-120, years=c(1990:1995), vars=NULL) purrr::map(~xts::apply.daily(.x, mean)) ## End(Not run)
Create statistical models to predict subdaily meteorology This is the 2nd function in the tdm workflow that takes the dat.train_file that is created from the nc2dat.train function and generates "lag.days" and "next.days". These variables pass along information of the previous time step and provides a preview of the next time step. After these variables are created, the models are generated by calling the tdm_temporal_downscale_functions.R scripts and these models and betas are saved separately. Please note that these models and betas require a significant amount of space. The storage required varies by the size of the training dataset, but prepare for >100 GB. These will be called later in tdm_predict_subdaily_met to perform the linear regression analysis.
gen.subdaily.models( outfolder, path.train, yrs.train, direction.filter = "forward", in.prefix, n.beta, day.window, seed = Sys.time(), resids = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, n.cores = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, print.progress = FALSE )
gen.subdaily.models( outfolder, path.train, yrs.train, direction.filter = "forward", in.prefix, n.beta, day.window, seed = Sys.time(), resids = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, n.cores = NULL, overwrite = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, print.progress = FALSE )
outfolder |
- directory where models will be stored *** storage required varies by size of training dataset, but prepare for >10 GB |
path.train |
- path to CF/PEcAn style training data where each year is in a separate file. |
yrs.train |
- which years of the training data should be used for to generate the model for the subdaily cycle. If NULL, will default to all years |
direction.filter |
- Whether the model will be filtered backward or forward in time. options = c("backward", "forward") (PalEON will go backward, anybody interested in the future will go forward) |
in.prefix |
not used |
n.beta |
- number of betas to save from linear regression model |
day.window |
- integer specifying number of days around the day being modeled you want to use data from for that specific hours coefficients. Must be integer because we want statistics from the same time of day for each day surrounding the model day |
seed |
- seed for randomization to allow for reproducible results |
resids |
- logical stating whether to pass on residual data or not (this increases both memory & storage requirements) |
parallel |
- logical stating whether to run temporal_downscale_functions.R in parallel |
n.cores |
- deals with parallelization |
overwrite |
logical: replace output file if it already exists? |
verbose |
logical, currently ignored |
print.progress |
- print progress bar? (gets passed through) |
Christy Rollinson, James Simkins
Other tdm - Temporally Downscale Meteorology:
Figures out file names for the given dates, based on NARR's convoluted and inconsistent naming scheme.
generate_narr_url(dates, flx)
generate_narr_url(dates, flx)
dates |
Vector of dates for which to generate URL |
flx |
(Logical) If 'TRUE', format for 'flx' variables. Otherwise, format for 'sfc' variables. See [narr_flx_vars]. |
Alexey Shiklomanov
and convert it into a data.frame
Retrieve the current CF variables table from cfconventions.org
and convert it into a data.frame
get_cf_variables_table(cf_url = build_cf_variables_table_url(57))
get_cf_variables_table(cf_url = build_cf_variables_table_url(57))
cf_url |
URL of CF variables table XML. See also build_cf_variables_table_url. |
CF variables table, as a tibble
Alexey Shiklomanov
Authentication lookup helper
get_clowderauth(key, user, pass, url, authfile = "~/.pecan.clowder.xml")
get_clowderauth(key, user, pass, url, authfile = "~/.pecan.clowder.xml")
key , user , pass
passed unchanged from |
url |
matched against |
authfile |
path to a PEcAn-formatted XML settings file; must contain a |
Retrieve NARR data using thredds
get_NARR_thredds( start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, progress = TRUE, drop_outside = TRUE, parallel = TRUE, ncores = 1 )
get_NARR_thredds( start_date, end_date, lat.in, lon.in, progress = TRUE, drop_outside = TRUE, parallel = TRUE, ncores = 1 )
start_date |
Start date for meteorology |
end_date |
End date for meteorology |
lat.in |
Latitude coordinate |
lon.in |
Longitude coordinate |
progress |
Whether or not to show a progress bar (default = 'TRUE'). Requires the 'progress' package to be installed. |
drop_outside |
Whether or not to drop dates outside of 'start_date' to 'end_date' range (default = 'TRUE'). |
parallel |
Download in parallel? Default = TRUE |
ncores |
Number of cores for parallel download. Default is 'parallel::detectCores()' |
'tibble' containing time series of NARR data for the given site
Alexey Shiklomanov
## Not run: dat <- get_NARR_thredds("2008-01-01", "2008-01-15", 43.3724, -89.9071) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: dat <- get_NARR_thredds("2008-01-01", "2008-01-15", 43.3724, -89.9071) ## End(Not run)
Retrieve NARR data from a given URL
get_narr_url(url, xy, flx, pb = NULL)
get_narr_url(url, xy, flx, pb = NULL)
url |
Full URL to NARR thredds file |
xy |
Vector length 2 containing NARR coordinates |
flx |
(Logical) If 'TRUE', format for 'flx' variables. Otherwise, format for 'sfc' variables. See [narr_flx_vars]. |
pb |
Progress bar R6 object (default = 'NULL') |
Alexey Shiklomanov
Calculate saturation vapor pressure
temp |
temperature in degrees C |
saturation vapor pressure in mb
David LeBauer
temp <- -30:30 plot(temp, get.es(temp))
temp <- -30:30 plot(temp, get.es(temp))
calculate latent heat of vaporization for water
get.lv(airtemp = 268.6465)
get.lv(airtemp = 268.6465)
airtemp |
air temperature (Kelvin) |
lV latent heat of vaporization (J kg-1)
Istem Fer
internal convenience function for streamlining extraction of data from netCDF files with CF-compliant variable names
get.ncvector(var, lati = lati, loni = loni, run.dates = run.dates, met.nc)
get.ncvector(var, lati = lati, loni = loni, run.dates = run.dates, met.nc)
var |
name of variable to extract |
lati , loni
latitude and longitude to extract |
run.dates |
data frame of dates to read |
met.nc |
netcdf file with CF variable names |
numeric vector
David Shaner LeBauer
Calculate RH from temperature and dewpoint
get.rh(T, Td)
get.rh(T, Td)
T |
air temperature, Kelvin |
Td |
dewpoint, Kelvin |
Based on equation 12 in Lawrence 2005, The Relationship between Relative Humidity and the Dewpoint Temperature in Moist Air A Simple Conversion and Applications. BAMS https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-86-2-225 R = 461.5 K-1 kg-1 gas constant H2O L enthalpy of vaporization linear dependence on T (p 226, following eq 9)
Relative Humidity numeric vector
David LeBauer
Calculate VPD
get.vpd(rh, temp)
get.vpd(rh, temp)
rh |
relative humidity, in percent |
temp |
temperature, degrees celsius |
Calculate vapor pressure deficit from relative humidity and temperature.
vpd: vapor pressure deficit, in mb
David LeBauer
temp <- -30:30 plot(temp, get.vpd(0, temp))
temp <- -30:30 plot(temp, get.vpd(0, temp))
temporal_downscale_half_hour( input_file, output_file, overwrite = TRUE, hr = 0.5 )
temporal_downscale_half_hour( input_file, output_file, overwrite = TRUE, hr = 0.5 )
input_file |
location of NOAAGEFS_1hr files |
output_file |
location where to store half_hour files |
overwrite |
whether to force hamf_hour_downscale to proceed |
hr |
set half hour |
A list of data frames is returned containing information about the data file that can be used to locate it later. Each data frame contains information about one file.
Convert latitude and longitude to x-y coordinates (in km) in Lambert conformal conic projection (used by NARR)
latlon2lcc(lat.in, lon.in)
latlon2lcc(lat.in, lon.in)
lat.in |
Latitude coordinate |
lon.in |
Longitude coordinate |
'sp::SpatialPoints' object containing transformed x and y coordinates, in km, which should match NARR coordinates
Alexey Shiklomanov
Convert latitude and longitude coordinates to NARR indices
latlon2narr(nc, lat.in, lon.in)
latlon2narr(nc, lat.in, lon.in)
nc |
'ncdf4' connection object |
lat.in |
Latitude coordinate |
lon.in |
Longitude coordinate |
Vector length 2 containing NARR 'x' and 'y' indices, which can be used in 'ncdf4::ncvar_get' 'start' argument.
Alexey Shiklomanov
Simulates light macro environment based on latitude, day of the year. Other coefficients can be adjusted.
lightME(lat = 40, DOY = 190, t.d = 12, t.sn = 12, atm.P = 1e+05, alpha = 0.85)
lightME(lat = 40, DOY = 190, t.d = 12, t.sn = 12, atm.P = 1e+05, alpha = 0.85)
lat |
the latitude, default is 40 (Urbana, IL, U.S.). |
the day of the year (1–365), default 190. |
t.d |
time of the day in hours (0–23), default 12. |
t.sn |
time of solar noon, default 12. |
atm.P |
atmospheric pressure, default 1e5 (kPa). |
alpha |
atmospheric transmittance, default 0.85. |
a list
structure with components:
Direct radiation ( mol
Indirect (diffuse) radiation ( mol
cosine of , solar zenith angle.
proportion of direct radiation.
proportion of indirect (diffuse) radiation.
This function does the heavy lifting in the final function of the tdm workflow titled predict_subdaily_met(). It uses a linear regression approach by generating the hourly values from the coarse data of the file the user selects to downscale based on the hourly models and betas generated by gen.subdaily.models().
lm_ensemble_sims( dat.mod, n.ens, path.model, direction.filter, lags.list = NULL, lags.init = NULL, dat.train, precip.distribution, force.sanity = TRUE, sanity.tries = 25, sanity.sd = 6, seed = Sys.time(), print.progress = FALSE )
lm_ensemble_sims( dat.mod, n.ens, path.model, direction.filter, lags.list = NULL, lags.init = NULL, dat.train, precip.distribution, force.sanity = TRUE, sanity.tries = 25, sanity.sd = 6, seed = Sys.time(), print.progress = FALSE )
dat.mod |
- dataframe to be predicted at the time step of the training data |
n.ens |
- number of hourly ensemble members to generate |
path.model |
- path to where the training model & betas is stored |
direction.filter |
- Whether the model will be filtered backward or forward in time. options = c("backward", "forward") (PalEON will go backward, anybody interested in the future will go forward) |
lags.list |
- optional list form of lags.init, with one entry for each unique 'ens.day' in dat.mod |
lags.init |
- a data frame of initialization parameters to match the data in dat.mod |
dat.train |
- the training data used to fit the model; needed for night/day in surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air |
precip.distribution |
- a list with 2 sub-lists containing the number of observations with precip in the training data per day & the hour of max rain in the training data. This will be used to help solve the "constant drizzle" problem |
force.sanity |
- (logical) do we force the data to meet sanity checks? |
sanity.tries |
- how many time should we try to predict a reasonable value before giving up? We don't want to end up in an infinite loop |
sanity.sd |
- how many standard deviations from the mean should be used to determine sane outliers (default 6) |
seed |
- (optional) set the seed manually to allow reproducible results |
print.progress |
- if TRUE will print progress bar |
Linear Regression Ensemble Simulation Met downscaling function that predicts ensembles of downscaled meteorology
Christy Rollinson, James Simkins
Other tdm - Temporally Downscale Meteorology:
subsets a PEcAn formatted met driver file and converts to a data.frame object
load.cfmet(met.nc, lat, lon, start.date, end.date)
load.cfmet(met.nc, lat, lon, start.date, end.date)
met.nc |
object of class ncdf4 representing an open CF compliant, PEcAn standard netcdf file with met data |
lat |
numeric value of latitude |
lon |
numeric value of longitude |
start.date |
format is 'YYYY-MM-DD' |
end.date |
format is 'YYYY-MM-DD' |
data frame of met data
David LeBauer
Currently modifies the files IN PLACE rather than creating a new copy of the files an a new DB record. Currently unit and name checking only implemented for CO2. Currently does not yet support merge data that has lat/lon New variable only has time dimension and thus MIGHT break downstream code....
merge_met_variable( in.path, in.prefix, start_date, end_date, merge.file, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
merge_met_variable( in.path, in.prefix, start_date, end_date, merge.file, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
path to original data |
in.prefix |
prefix of original data |
start_date , end_date
date (or character in a standard date format). Only year component is used. |
merge.file |
path of file to be merged in |
overwrite |
logical: replace output file if it already exists? |
verbose |
logical: should |
... |
other arguments, currently ignored |
Currently nothing. TODO: Return a data frame summarizing the merged files.
## Not run: in.path <- "~/paleon/PalEONregional_CF_site_1-24047/" in.prefix <- "" outfolder <- "~/paleon/metTest/" merge.file <- "~/paleon/paleon_monthly_co2.nc" start_date <- "0850-01-01" end_date <- "2010-12-31" overwrite <- FALSE verbose <- TRUE merge_met_variable(in.path,in.prefix,start_date,end_date,merge.file,overwrite,verbose) PEcAn.DALEC::met2model.DALEC(in.path,in.prefix,outfolder,start_date,end_date) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: in.path <- "~/paleon/PalEONregional_CF_site_1-24047/" in.prefix <- "" outfolder <- "~/paleon/metTest/" merge.file <- "~/paleon/paleon_monthly_co2.nc" start_date <- "0850-01-01" end_date <- "2010-12-31" overwrite <- FALSE verbose <- TRUE merge_met_variable(in.path,in.prefix,start_date,end_date,merge.file,overwrite,verbose) PEcAn.DALEC::met2model.DALEC(in.path,in.prefix,outfolder,start_date,end_date) ## End(Not run)
takes source data and a training dataset from the same site and temporally downscales the source dataset to the resolution of the training dataset based on statistics of the training dataset.
met_temporal_downscale.Gaussian_ensemble( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, input_met, train_met, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, swdn_method = "sine", n_ens = 10, w_len = 20, utc_diff = -6, ... )
met_temporal_downscale.Gaussian_ensemble( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, input_met, train_met, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, swdn_method = "sine", n_ens = 10, w_len = 20, utc_diff = -6, ... )
in.path |
ignored |
in.prefix |
ignored |
outfolder |
path to directory in which to store output. Will be created if it does not exist |
input_met |
- the source dataset that will temporally downscaled by the train_met dataset |
train_met |
- the observed dataset that will be used to train the modeled dataset in NC format. i.e. Flux Tower dataset (see download.Fluxnet2015 or download.Ameriflux) |
overwrite |
logical: replace output file if it already exists? |
verbose |
logical: should |
swdn_method |
- Downwelling shortwave flux in air downscaling method (options are "sine", "spline", and "Waichler") |
n_ens |
- numeric value with the number of ensembles to run |
w_len |
- numeric value that is the window length in days |
utc_diff |
- numeric value in HOURS that is local standard time difference from UTC time. CST is -6 |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
James Simkins
met.process( site, input_met, start_date, end_date, model, host = "localhost", dbparms, dir, spin = NULL, overwrite = FALSE )
met.process( site, input_met, start_date, end_date, model, host = "localhost", dbparms, dir, spin = NULL, overwrite = FALSE )
site |
Site info from settings file |
input_met |
Which data source to process. |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
model |
model_type name |
host |
Host info from settings file |
dbparms |
database settings from settings file |
dir |
directory to write outputs to |
spin |
spin-up settings passed to model-specific met2model. List containing nyear (number of years of spin-up), nsample (first n years to cycle), and resample (TRUE/FALSE) |
overwrite |
Whether to force met.process to proceed. 'overwrite' may be a list with individual components corresponding to 'download', 'met2cf', 'standardize', and 'met2model'. If it is instead a simple boolean, the default behavior for 'overwrite=FALSE' is to overwrite nothing, as you might expect. Note however that the default behavior for 'overwrite=TRUE' is to overwrite everything *except* raw met downloads. I.e., it corresponds to: list(download = FALSE, met2cf = TRUE, standardize = TRUE, met2model = TRUE) List of 'url', 'username', 'password' |
Elizabeth Cowdery, Michael Dietze, Ankur Desai, James Simkins, Ryan Kelly
met.process.stage(input.id, raw.id, con)
met.process.stage(input.id, raw.id, con)
input.id |
bety db for input format |
raw.id |
format id for the raw met data |
con |
database connection |
Elizabeth Cowdery
Get meteorology variables from ALMA netCDF files and convert to netCDF CF format
met2CF.ALMA( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE )
met2CF.ALMA( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE )
in.path |
location on disk where inputs are stored |
in.prefix |
prefix of input and output files |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
logical: enable verbose mode for netcdf writer functions? |
Mike Dietze
Get meteorology variables from Ameriflux L2 netCDF files and convert to netCDF CF format
met2CF.Ameriflux( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
met2CF.Ameriflux( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
location on disk where inputs are stored |
in.prefix |
prefix of input and output files |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
should ouput of function be extra verbose |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Josh Mantooth, Mike Dietze, Elizabeth Cowdery, Ankur Desai
Get meteorology variables from Ameriflux LBL and convert to netCDF CF format
met2CF.AmerifluxLBL( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, format, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
met2CF.AmerifluxLBL( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, format, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
location on disk where inputs are stored |
in.prefix |
prefix of input and output files |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
format |
is data frame or list with elements as described below
The AmerifluxLBL format is Bety record 5000000002
which could be returned from PEcAn.DB::query.format.vars(format.id=5000000002)
format is output from db/R/query.format.vars, and should have:
format$lat = latitude of site
format$lon = longitude of site
format$header = number of lines of header
format$vars is a data.frame with lists of information for each variable to read, at least airT is required
format$vars$input_name = Name in CSV file
format$vars$input_units = Units in CSV file
format$vars$bety_name = Name in BETY
format$na.strings = list of missing values to convert to NA, such as -9999
format$skip = lines to skip excluding header
format$vars$column_number = Column number in CSV file (optional, will use header name first)
Columns with NA for bety variable name are dropped.
Units for datetime field are the lubridate function that will be used to parse the date (e.g. |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
should ouput of function be extra verbose |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Ankur Desai
Convert met data from CSV to CF
met2CF.csv( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, format, lat = NULL, lon = NULL, nc_verbose = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE, ... )
met2CF.csv( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, format, lat = NULL, lon = NULL, nc_verbose = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
directory in which to find met csv files |
in.prefix |
pattern to match to find met files inside 'in.path' |
outfolder |
directory name to write CF outputs |
start_date , end_date
when to start and stop conversion. Specify as 'Date' objects, but only the year component is used |
format |
data frame or list produced by 'PEcAn.DB::query.format.vars'. See details |
lat , lon
latitude and longitude of site, in decimal degrees. If not provided, these are taken from 'format'. |
nc_verbose |
logical: run ncvar_add in verbose mode? |
overwrite |
Logical: Redo conversion if output file already exists? |
... |
other arguments, currently ignored |
The 'format' argument takes an output from 'PEcAn.DB::query.format.vars', and should have the following components:
'format$lat': latitude of site (unless passed by 'lat')
'format$lon': longitude of site (unless passed by 'lon')
'format$header': number of lines of header
'format$vars': a data.frame with lists of information for each variable to read. At least 'airT' is required
'format$vars$input_name': name in CSV file
'format$vars$input_units': units in CSV file
'format$vars$bety_name': name in BETY. See https://pecan.gitbooks.io/pecan-documentation/content/developers_guide/Adding-an-Input-Converter.html for allowable names.
'format$na.strings': list of missing values to convert to NA, such as -9999
'format$skip': lines to skip excluding header
'format$vars$column_number': column number in CSV file (optional, will use header name first)
Columns with NA for bety variable name are dropped.
Units for datetime field are the lubridate function that will be used to
parse the date (e.g. ymd_hms
or mdy_hm
Mike Dietze, David LeBauer, Ankur Desai
## Not run: con <- PEcAn.DB::db.open( list(user='bety', password='bety', host='localhost', dbname='bety', driver='PostgreSQL',write=TRUE)) start_date <- lubridate::ymd_hm('200401010000') end_date <- lubridate::ymd_hm('200412312330') file<-PEcAn.data.atmosphere::download.Fluxnet2015('US-WCr','~/',start_date,end_date) in.path <- '~/' in.prefix <- file$dbfile.name outfolder <- '~/' format.id <- 5000000001 format <- PEcAn.DB::query.format.vars(format.id=format.id,bety = bety) format$lon <- -92.0 format$lat <- 45.0 format$time_zone <- "America/Chicago" results <- PEcAn.data.atmosphere::met2CF.csv( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, format, overwrite=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: con <- PEcAn.DB::db.open( list(user='bety', password='bety', host='localhost', dbname='bety', driver='PostgreSQL',write=TRUE)) start_date <- lubridate::ymd_hm('200401010000') end_date <- lubridate::ymd_hm('200412312330') file<-PEcAn.data.atmosphere::download.Fluxnet2015('US-WCr','~/',start_date,end_date) in.path <- '~/' in.prefix <- file$dbfile.name outfolder <- '~/' format.id <- 5000000001 format <- PEcAn.DB::query.format.vars(format.id=format.id,bety = bety) format$lon <- -92.0 format$lat <- 45.0 format$time_zone <- "America/Chicago" results <- PEcAn.data.atmosphere::met2CF.csv( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, format, overwrite=TRUE) ## End(Not run)
met2CF.ERA5( lat, long, start_date, end_date, sitename, outfolder, out.xts, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
met2CF.ERA5( lat, long, start_date, end_date, sitename, outfolder, out.xts, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = TRUE )
lat |
latitude |
long |
longitude |
start_date |
start date |
end_date |
end date |
sitename |
The name of the site used for making the identifier. |
outfolder |
Path to directory where nc files need to be saved. |
out.xts |
Output of the extract.nc.ERA5 function which is a list of time series of met variables for each ensemble member. |
overwrite |
Logical if files needs to be overwritten. |
verbose |
Logical flag defining if ouput of function be extra verbose. |
list of dataframes
Note: 'in.path' and 'in.prefix' together must identify exactly one file, or this function returns NULL. Further note that despite its name, 'in.prefix' will match anywhere in the filename: met2CF.FACE("dir", "a", ...)' will find both 'dir/a_b.nc' and 'dir/b_a.nc'!
met2CF.FACE( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, input.id, site, format, ... )
met2CF.FACE( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, input.id, site, format, ... )
in.path |
directory in which to find inputs (as '*.nc') |
in.prefix |
pattern to match to select a file within 'in.path' |
outfolder |
path to write output. Should contain the substring "FACE", which will be rewritten to "FACE_a" and "FACE_e" for the corresponding treatments. |
start_date , end_date
ignored. Time is taken from the input files. |
input.id |
ignored |
site |
list[like]. Only components 'lat' and 'lon' (both in decimal degrees) are currently used |
format |
specification of variable names and units in the format returned by 'PEcAn.DB::query.format.vars' |
... |
other arguments, currently ignored |
Elizabeth Cowdery
Convert geostreams JSON to CF met file
met2CF.Geostreams( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
met2CF.Geostreams( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
directory containing Geostreams JSON file(s) to be converted |
in.prefix |
initial portion of input filenames (everything before the dates) |
outfolder |
directory where nc output files should be written. Will be created if necessary |
start_date , end_date
beginning and end of run, YYYY-MM-DD. |
overwrite |
logical: Regenerate existing files of the same name? |
verbose |
logical, passed on to |
... |
other arguments, currently ignored |
Harsh Agrawal, Chris Black
Variables present in the output netCDF file: air_temperature, air_temperature, relative_humidity, specific_humidity, water_vapor_saturation_deficit, surface_downwelling_longwave_flux_in_air, surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air, surface_downwelling_photosynthetic_photon_flux_in_air, precipitation_flux, eastward_wind, northward_wind
met2CF.ICOS( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, format, overwrite = FALSE, ... )
met2CF.ICOS( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, format, overwrite = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
path to the input ICOS product CSV file |
in.prefix |
name of the input file |
outfolder |
path to the directory where the output file is stored. If specified directory does not exists, it is created. |
start_date |
start date of the input file |
end_date |
end date of the input file |
format |
format is data frame or list with elements as described below REQUIRED: format$header = number of lines of header format$vars is a data.frame with lists of information for each variable to read, at least airT is required format$vars$input_name = Name in CSV file format$vars$input_units = Units in CSV file format$vars$bety_name = Name in BETY OPTIONAL: format$lat = latitude of site format$lon = longitude of site format$na.strings = list of missing values to convert to NA, such as -9999 format$skip = lines to skip excluding header format$vars$column_number = Column number in CSV file (optional, will use header name first) Columns with NA for bety variable name are dropped. |
overwrite |
overwrite should existing files be overwritten. Default False. |
... |
used when extra arguments are present. |
information about the output file
Convert NARR files to CF files
met2CF.NARR( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
met2CF.NARR( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
directory in which to find NARR files |
in.prefix |
pattern to match to find NARR files inside 'in.path' |
outfolder |
directory name to write CF outputs |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
should ouput of function be extra verbose |
... |
other arguments, currently ignored |
Elizabeth Cowdery, Rob Kooper
Get meteorology variables from PalEON netCDF files and convert to netCDF CF format
met2CF.PalEON( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, lat, lon, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
met2CF.PalEON( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, lat, lon, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
location on disk where inputs are stored |
in.prefix |
prefix of input and output files |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
lat , lon
site location in decimal degrees. Caution: both must have length one. |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
logical: enable verbose mode for netcdf writer functions? |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Mike Dietze
Get meteorology variables from PalEON netCDF files and convert to netCDF CF format
met2CF.PalEONregional( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
met2CF.PalEONregional( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
location on disk where inputs are stored |
in.prefix |
prefix of input and output files |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
logical: enable verbose mode for netcdf writer functions? |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Mike Dietze
Take an Ameriflux NetCDF file Fill missing met values using MDS approach using MPI-BGC REddyProc library Currently Future version: Choose which variables to gap fill Future version will first downscale and fill with NARR, then REddyProc
metgapfill( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, lst = 0, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
metgapfill( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, lst = 0, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
location on disk where inputs are stored |
in.prefix |
prefix of input and output files |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be downloaded (will only use the year part of the date) |
lst |
is timezone offset from UTC, if timezone is available in time:units attribute in file, it will use that, default is to assume UTC |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
should the function be very verbose |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Ankur Desai
This function uses simple methods to gapfill NOAA GEFS met data. Temperature and Precipitation are gapfilled with splines; other data sources are gapfilled using linear models fitted to other fitted data.
metgapfill.NOAA_GEFS( in.prefix, in.path, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
metgapfill.NOAA_GEFS( in.prefix, in.path, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
in.prefix |
the met file name |
in.path |
The location of the file |
outfolder |
The place to write the output file to |
start_date |
The start date of the contents of the file |
end_date |
The end date of the contents of the file |
overwrite |
Whether or not to overwrite the output file if it exists or not |
verbose |
Passed to nc writing functions for additional output |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Luke Dramko
Function to create linear regression models for specific met variables. This is used in conjunction with temporal.downscale.functions() to generate linear regression statistics and save their output to be called later in lm_ensemble_sims().
model.train(dat.subset, v, n.beta, resids = resids, threshold = NULL, ...)
model.train(dat.subset, v, n.beta, resids = resids, threshold = NULL, ...)
dat.subset |
data.frame containing lags, next, and downscale period data |
v |
variable name, as character |
n.beta |
number of betas to pull from |
resids |
TRUE or FALSE, whether to use residuals or not |
threshold |
NULL except for surface_downwelling_shortwave_radiation, helps with our distinction between day and night (no shortwave without sunlight) |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
TDM Model Train Linear regression calculations for specific met variables
Christy Rollinson, James Simkins
Other tdm - Temporally Downscale Meteorology:
NARR flux and sfc variables
narr_flx_vars narr_sfc_vars narr_all_vars
narr_flx_vars narr_sfc_vars narr_all_vars
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 5 rows and 3 columns.
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 3 rows and 3 columns.
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 8 rows and 3 columns.
This is the 1st function for the tdm (Temporally Downscale Meteorology) workflow. The nc2dat.train function parses multiple netCDF files into one central training data file called 'dat.train_file'. This netCDF file will be used to generate the subdaily models in the next step of the workflow, generate.subdaily.models(). It is also called in tdm_predict_subdaily_met which is the final step of the tdm workflow.
nc.merge( outfolder, in.path, in.prefix, start_date, end_date, upscale = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
nc.merge( outfolder, in.path, in.prefix, start_date, end_date, upscale = FALSE, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
outfolder |
- directory where output will be stored |
in.path |
- path of coarse model (e.g. GCM output) |
in.prefix |
- prefix of model string as character (e.g. IPSL.r1i1p1.rcp85) |
start_date |
- yyyy-mm-dd |
end_date |
- yyyy-mm-dd |
upscale |
- Upscale can either be set for FALSE (leave alone) or to the temporal resolution you want to aggregate to |
overwrite |
logical: replace output file if it already exists? |
verbose |
logical: should |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
nc.merge Parses multiple netCDF files into one central document for temporal downscaling procedure
James Simkins, Christy Rollinson
Other tdm - Temporally Downscale Meteorology:
Download gridded forecast in the box bounded by the latitude and longitude list
noaa_grid_download( lat_list, lon_list, forecast_time, forecast_date, model_name_raw, output_directory, end_hr )
noaa_grid_download( lat_list, lon_list, forecast_time, forecast_date, model_name_raw, output_directory, end_hr )
lat_list |
lat for site |
lon_list |
long for site |
forecast_time |
start hour of forecast |
forecast_date |
date for forecast |
model_name_raw |
model name for directory creation |
output_directory |
output directory |
end_hr |
end hr to determine how many hours to download |
noaa_stage2( cycle = 0, version = "v12", endpoint = "data.ecoforecast.org", verbose = TRUE, start_date = "" )
noaa_stage2( cycle = 0, version = "v12", endpoint = "data.ecoforecast.org", verbose = TRUE, start_date = "" )
cycle |
Hour at which forecast was made, as character string ('"00"', '"06"', '"12"' or '"18"'). Only '"00"' (default) has 30 days horizon. |
version |
GEFS forecast version. Prior versions correspond to forecasts issued before 2020-09-25 which have different ensemble number and horizon, among other changes, and are not made available here. Leave as default. |
endpoint |
the EFI host address (leave as default) |
verbose |
logical, displays or hides messages |
start_date |
forecast start date yyyy-mm-dd format |
Alexis Helgeson (taken from neon4cast package)
convert PAR to PPFD
watts |
PAR (W / m2) |
Converts photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, units of Watts / m2) to photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) in units of umol / m2 / s From Campbell and Norman p151 PPFD = PAR * (J/m2/s) * (1 mol / 2.35e5 J) 2.35e5 J / mol is the energy content of solar radiation in the PAR waveband
PPFD (umol / m2 / s)
David LeBauer
Conversion table for PEcAn standard meteorology
An object of class tbl_df
(inherits from tbl
, data.frame
) with 18 rows and 8 columns.
Permute netCDF files
permute.nc( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
permute.nc( in.path, in.prefix, outfolder, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
location on disk where inputs are stored |
in.prefix |
prefix of input and output files |
outfolder |
location on disk where outputs will be stored |
start_date |
the start date of the data to be permuted (will only use the year part of the date) |
end_date |
the end date of the data to be permuted (will only use the year part of the date) |
overwrite |
should existing files be overwritten |
verbose |
should ouput of function be extra verbose |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Elizabeth Cowdery, Rob Kooper
Post process raw NARR downloaded data frame
dat |
Nested 'tibble' from mapped call to [get_narr_url] |
This is the main function of the tdm family workflow. This function predicts subdaily meteorology from daily means using a linear regression modeling approach. It takes a dataset with daily resolution and temporally downscales it to hourly resolution using the statistics generated by gen.subdaily.models(). It references the predict.subdaily.function located in lm_ensemble_sims() which uses a linear regression based approach to downscale. We generate multiple ensembles of possible hourly values dictated from the models and betas generated in gen.subdaily.models. Each ensemble member is saved as a netCDF file in CF conventions and these files are ready to be used in the general PEcAn workflow.
predict_subdaily_met( outfolder, in.path, in.prefix, path.train, direction.filter = "forward", lm.models.base, yrs.predict = NULL, ens.labs = 1:3, resids = FALSE, adjust.pr = 1, force.sanity = TRUE, sanity.tries = 25, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, seed = format(Sys.time(), "%m%d"), print.progress = FALSE, ... )
predict_subdaily_met( outfolder, in.path, in.prefix, path.train, direction.filter = "forward", lm.models.base, yrs.predict = NULL, ens.labs = 1:3, resids = FALSE, adjust.pr = 1, force.sanity = TRUE, sanity.tries = 25, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, seed = format(Sys.time(), "%m%d"), print.progress = FALSE, ... )
outfolder |
- directory where output file will be stored |
in.path |
- base path to dataset you wish to temporally downscale; Note: in order for parallelization to work, the in.prefix will need to be appended as the final level of the file structure. For example, if prefix is GFDL.CM3.rcp45.r1i1p1, there should be a directory with that title in in.path. |
in.prefix |
- prefix of model dataset, i.e. if file is GFDL.CM3.rcp45.r1i1p1.2006 the prefix is 'GFDL.CM3.rcp45.r1i1p1' |
path.train |
- path to CF/PEcAn style training data where each year is in a separate file. |
direction.filter |
- Whether the model will be filtered backward or forwards in time. options = c("backward", "forwards") (default is forward; PalEON will go backward, anybody interested in the future will go forwards) |
lm.models.base |
- path to linear regression model folders generated using gen.subdaily.models |
yrs.predict |
- years for which you want to generate met. if NULL, all years in in.path will be done |
ens.labs |
- vector containing the labels (suffixes) for each ensemble member; this allows you to add to your ensemble rather than overwriting with a default naming scheme |
resids |
- logical stating whether to pass on residual data or not |
adjust.pr |
- adjustment factor fore precipitation when the extracted values seem off |
force.sanity |
- (logical) do we force the data to meet sanity checks? |
sanity.tries |
- how many time should we try to predict a reasonable value before giving up? We don't want to end up in an infinite loop |
overwrite |
logical: replace output file if it already exists? |
verbose |
logical: should |
seed |
- manually set seed for results to be reproducible |
print.progress |
- print the progress bar? |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Predict Subdaily Meteorology Predict Subdaily Meteorology based off of statistics created in gen.subdaily.models()
Christy Rollinson, James Simkins
Other tdm - Temporally Downscale Meteorology:
## Not run: library(PEcAn.data.atmosphere) outfolder = '~/Downscaled_GCM' in.path = '~/raw_GCM' in.prefix = 'GFDL' lm.models.base = 'sf_scratch/US-WCr' dat.train_file = 'Training_data/US-WCr_dat.train.nc' start_date = '2010-01-01' end_date = '2014-12-31' cores.max = 12 n.ens = 3 ## End(Not run)
## Not run: library(PEcAn.data.atmosphere) outfolder = '~/Downscaled_GCM' in.path = '~/raw_GCM' in.prefix = 'GFDL' lm.models.base = 'sf_scratch/US-WCr' dat.train_file = 'Training_data/US-WCr_dat.train.nc' start_date = '2010-01-01' end_date = '2014-12-31' cores.max = 12 n.ens = 3 ## End(Not run)
Write NetCDF file for a single year of data
prepare_narr_year(dat, file, lat_nc, lon_nc, verbose = FALSE)
prepare_narr_year(dat, file, lat_nc, lon_nc, verbose = FALSE)
dat |
NARR tabular data for a single year ([get_NARR_thredds]) |
file |
Full path to target file |
lat_nc |
'ncdim' object for latitude |
lon_nc |
'ncdim' object for longitude |
verbose |
logical: ask'ncdf4' functions to be very chatty while they work? |
List of NetCDF variables in data. Creates NetCDF file containing data as a side effect
Extract and temporally downscale points from downloaded grid files
process_gridded_noaa_download( lat_list, lon_list, site_id, downscale, overwrite, forecast_date, forecast_time, model_name, model_name_ds, model_name_raw, output_directory )
process_gridded_noaa_download( lat_list, lon_list, site_id, downscale, overwrite, forecast_date, forecast_time, model_name, model_name_ds, model_name_raw, output_directory )
lat_list |
lat for site |
lon_list |
lon for site |
site_id |
Unique site_id for file creation |
downscale |
Logical. Default is TRUE. Downscales from 6hr to hourly |
overwrite |
Logical. Default is FALSE. Should exisiting files be overwritten |
forecast_date |
Date for download |
forecast_time |
Time (0,6,12,18) for start of download |
model_name |
Name of model for file name |
model_name_ds |
Name of downscale file name |
model_name_raw |
Name of raw file name |
output_directory |
Output directory |
Convert specific humidity to relative humidity
qair2rh(qair, temp, press = 1013.25)
qair2rh(qair, temp, press = 1013.25)
qair |
specific humidity, dimensionless (e.g. kg/kg) ratio of water mass / total air mass |
temp |
degrees C |
press |
pressure in mb |
converting specific humidity into relative humidity NCEP surface flux data does not have RH from Bolton 1980 Teh computation of Equivalent Potential Temperature https://archive.eol.ucar.edu/projects/ceop/dm/documents/refdata_report/eqns.html
rh relative humidity, ratio of actual water mixing ratio to saturation mixing ratio
David LeBauer
Read a specific variable from a NARR NetCDF file
read_narr_var(nc, xy, variable, unit, flx, pb = NULL)
read_narr_var(nc, xy, variable, unit, flx, pb = NULL)
nc |
'ncdf4' connection object |
xy |
Vector length 2 containing NARR coordinates |
variable |
NARR name of variable to retrieve |
unit |
Output unit of variable to retrieve |
flx |
(Logical) If 'TRUE', format for 'flx' variables. Otherwise, format for 'sfc' variables. See [narr_flx_vars]. |
pb |
Progress bar R6 object (default = 'NULL') |
Alexey Shiklomanov
read.register(register.xml, con)
read.register(register.xml, con)
register.xml |
path of xml file |
con |
betydb connection |
Betsy Cowdery
converts relative humidity to specific humidity
rh2qair(rh, T, press = 101325)
rh2qair(rh, T, press = 101325)
rh |
relative humidity (proportion, not %) |
T |
absolute temperature (Kelvin) |
press |
air pressure (Pascals) |
Mike Dietze, Ankur Desai
Function to save betas as a .nc file. This is utilized in gen.subdaily.models() when linear regression models are created
save.betas(model.out, betas, outfile)
save.betas(model.out, betas, outfile)
model.out |
list linear regression model output |
betas |
name of the layer of betas to save (e.g. 'betas' or 'betas.resid') |
outfile |
location where output will be stored |
TDM Save Betas Saves betas that are calculated during gen.subdaily.models()
Christy Rollinson, James Simkins
Other tdm - Temporally Downscale Meteorology:
Function to save models as a .nc file. This is utilized in gen.subdaily.models() when linear regression models are created
save.model(model.out, model, outfile)
save.model(model.out, model, outfile)
model.out |
list linear regression model output |
model |
name of the layer of model to save (e.g. 'model' or 'model.resid') |
outfile |
location where output will be stored |
TDM Save Models Saves models that are created during gen.subdaily.models()
Christy Rollinson, James Simkins
Other tdm - Temporally Downscale Meteorology:
Example: sitename = 'Rhinelander Aspen FACE Experiment (FACE-RHIN)' tag = 'FACE' site_from_tag(sitename,tag) = 'RHIN' Requires that site names be set up specifically with (tag-sitecode) - this may change
site_from_tag(sitename, tag)
site_from_tag(sitename, tag)
sitename |
full name of site |
tag |
abbreviated name of site |
Betsy Cowdery
Find time zone for a site
site.lst(site.id, con)
site.lst(site.id, con)
site.id |
bety id of site to look up |
con |
betydb connection object |
Betsy Cowdery
Solar Radiation to PPFD
solarMJ |
MJ per day |
There is no easy straight way to convert MJ/m2 to mu mol photons / m2 / s (PAR). Note: 1 Watt = 1J/s The above conversion is based on the following reasoning 0.12 is about how much of the total radiation is expected to ocurr during the hour of maximum insolation (it is a guesstimate) 2.07 is a coefficient which converts from MJ to mol photons (it is approximate and it is taken from ... Campbell and Norman (1998). Introduction to Environmental Biophysics. pg 151 'the energy content of solar radiation in the PAR waveband is 2.35 x 10^5 J/mol' See also the chapter radiation basics (10) Here the input is the total solar radiation so to obtain in the PAR spectrum need to multiply by 0.486 This last value 0.486 is based on the approximation that PAR is 0.45-0.50 of the total radiation This means that 1e6 / (2.35e6) * 0.486 = 2.07 1e6 converts from mol to mu mol 1/3600 divides the values in hours to seconds
PPFD umol /m2 / s
Fernando Miguez
David LeBauer
Spin-up meteorology
spin.met( in.path, in.prefix, start_date, end_date, nyear = 1000, nsample = 50, resample = TRUE, run_start_date = start_date, overwrite = TRUE )
spin.met( in.path, in.prefix, start_date, end_date, nyear = 1000, nsample = 50, resample = TRUE, run_start_date = start_date, overwrite = TRUE )
in.path |
met input folder path |
in.prefix |
met input file prefix (shared by all annual files, can be "") |
start_date |
start of met |
end_date |
end of met |
nyear |
number of years of spin-up, default 1000 |
nsample |
sample the first nsample years of met, default 50 |
resample |
resample (TRUE, default) or cycle (FALSE) meteorology |
run_start_date |
date the run itself starts, which can be different than the start of met |
overwrite |
whether to replace previous resampling |
spin.met works by creating symbolic links to the sampled met file, rather than copying the whole file. Be aware that the internal dates in those files are not modified. Right now this is designed to be called within met2model.[MODEL] before the met is processed (it's designed to work with annual CF files not model-specific files) for example with models that process met into one large file
updated start date
start_date <- "0850-01-01 00:00:00" end_date <- "2010-12-31 23:59:59" nyear <- 10 nsample <- 50 resample <- TRUE ## Not run: if(!is.null(spin)){ ## if spinning up, extend processed met by resampling or cycling met start_date <- PEcAn.data.atmosphere::spin.met( in.path, in.prefix, start_date, end_date, nyear, nsample, resample) } ## End(Not run)
start_date <- "0850-01-01 00:00:00" end_date <- "2010-12-31 23:59:59" nyear <- 10 nsample <- 50 resample <- TRUE ## Not run: if(!is.null(spin)){ ## if spinning up, extend processed met by resampling or cycling met start_date <- PEcAn.data.atmosphere::spin.met( in.path, in.prefix, start_date, end_date, nyear, nsample, resample) } ## End(Not run)
Currently modifies the files IN PLACE rather than creating a new copy of the files an a new DB record.
split_wind( in.path, in.prefix, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
split_wind( in.path, in.prefix, start_date, end_date, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
in.path |
path to original data |
in.prefix |
prefix of original data |
start_date , end_date
date (or character in a standard date format). Only year component is used. |
overwrite |
logical: replace output file if it already exists? |
verbose |
logical: should |
... |
other arguments, currently ignored |
nothing. TODO: Return data frame summarizing results
## Not run: in.path <- "~/paleon/PalEONregional_CF_site_1-24047/" in.prefix <- "" outfolder <- "~/paleon/metTest/" start_date <- "0850-01-01" end_date <- "2010-12-31" overwrite <- FALSE verbose <- TRUE split_wind(in.path, in.prefix, start_date, end_date, merge.file, overwrite, verbose) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: in.path <- "~/paleon/PalEONregional_CF_site_1-24047/" in.prefix <- "" outfolder <- "~/paleon/metTest/" start_date <- "0850-01-01" end_date <- "2010-12-31" overwrite <- FALSE verbose <- TRUE split_wind(in.path, in.prefix, start_date, end_date, merge.file, overwrite, verbose) ## End(Not run)
take mean at fixed intervals along a vector
step_means(x, step)
step_means(x, step)
x |
numeric vector |
step |
integer step size |
User should check that length(x) is an even multiple of step
numeric of length length(x)/step
Function to pull objects created in linear regression models and are used to predict subdaily meteorology. This function is called in lm_ensemble_sims() to downscale a meteorology product. Linear regression models are created in gen.subdaily.models()
subdaily_pred( newdata, model.predict, Rbeta, resid.err = FALSE, model.resid = NULL, Rbeta.resid = NULL, n.ens )
subdaily_pred( newdata, model.predict, Rbeta, resid.err = FALSE, model.resid = NULL, Rbeta.resid = NULL, n.ens )
newdata |
dataframe with data to be downscaled |
model.predict |
saved linear regression model |
Rbeta |
matrix with Rbetas from saved linear regression model |
resid.err |
logical, whether to include residual error or not |
model.resid |
data.frame of model residuals |
Rbeta.resid |
data.frame of Rbeta residuals |
n.ens |
number of ensembles to create |
Subdaily Prediction Pulls information from linear regression models to predict subdaily meteorology
Christy Rollinson, James Simkins
Other tdm - Temporally Downscale Meteorology:
Solar Radiation to PPFD
sw |
shortwave radiation (W/m2 == J/m2/s) |
Here the input is the total solar radiation so to obtain in the PAR spectrum need to multiply by 0.486 From Campbell and Norman p151 This is based on the approximation that PAR is 0.45-0.50 of the total radiation
PAR W/m2
David LeBauer
CF Shortwave to PPFD
sw |
CF surface_downwelling_shortwave_flux_in_air (W/m2) |
Cambell and Norman 1998 p 151, ch 10
PPFD umol /m2 / s
David LeBauer
Downscale NOAA GEFS from 6hr to 1hr
temporal_downscale(input_file, output_file, overwrite = TRUE, hr = 1)
temporal_downscale(input_file, output_file, overwrite = TRUE, hr = 1)
input_file |
full path to 6hr file |
output_file |
full path to 1hr file that will be generated |
overwrite |
logical stating to overwrite any existing output_file |
hr |
time step in hours of temporal downscaling (default = 1) |
Quinn Thomas
This function contains the functions that do the heavy lifting in gen.subdaily.models() and predict.subdaily.workflow(). Individual variable functions actually generate the models and betas from the dat.train_file and save them in the output file. save.model() and save.betas() are helper functions that save the linear regression model output to a specific location. In the future, we should only save the data that we actually use from the linear regression model because this is a large file. predict.met() is called from predict.subdaily.workflow() and references the linear regression model output to predict the ensemble data.
temporal.downscale.functions( dat.train, n.beta, day.window, resids = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, n.cores = NULL, seed = format(Sys.time(), "%m%d"), outfolder, print.progress = FALSE, ... )
temporal.downscale.functions( dat.train, n.beta, day.window, resids = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, n.cores = NULL, seed = format(Sys.time(), "%m%d"), outfolder, print.progress = FALSE, ... )
dat.train |
- training data generated by tdm_nc2dat.train.R |
n.beta |
- number of betas to generate |
day.window |
- number of days surrounding current day we want to pull statistics from |
resids |
- whether or not to propagate residuals, set to FALSE |
parallel |
- whether or not to run in parallel. this is a feature still being worked on, set to FALSE |
n.cores |
- number of cores to use parallel processing on, set to NULL |
seed |
- allows this to be reproducible |
outfolder |
= where the output should be stored |
print.progress |
- print progress of model generation? |
... |
further arguments, currently ignored |
Temporal Downscale Functions Met variable functions that are called in gen.subdaily.models and predict.subdaily.workflow
Christy Rollinson, James Simkins
Other tdm - Temporally Downscale Meteorology:
upscale_met upscales the temporal resolution of a dataset
upscale_met( outfolder, input_met, resolution = 1/24, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
upscale_met( outfolder, input_met, resolution = 1/24, overwrite = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, ... )
outfolder |
path to directory where output should be saved Output is netcdf named as <input_met_filename>.upscaled.nc |
input_met |
path to netcdf file containing met dataset |
resolution |
desired output resolution, in days |
overwrite |
logical: replace output file if it already exists? |
verbose |
logical: should |
... |
other arguments, currently ignored |
James Simkins, Chris Black
Convert raster to lat, lon, var
wide2long(data.wide, lat, lon, var)
wide2long(data.wide, lat, lon, var)
data.wide |
data |
lat |
latitude for rows |
lon |
longitude for columns |
var |
variable being measured |
data.frame with colnames (lat, lon, var)
David LeBauer
write_noaa_gefs_netcdf( df, ens = NA, lat, lon, cf_units, output_file, overwrite )
write_noaa_gefs_netcdf( df, ens = NA, lat, lon, cf_units, output_file, overwrite )
df |
data frame of meterological variables to be written to netcdf. Columns must start with time with the following columns in the order of 'cf_units' |
ens |
ensemble index used for subsetting df |
lat |
latitude in degree north |
lon |
longitude in degree east |
cf_units |
vector of variable names in order they appear in df |
output_file |
name, with full path, of the netcdf file that is generated |
overwrite |
logical to overwrite existing netcdf file |
Quinn Thomas